
Our Commitment to Promoting Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI)

We don't just talk the talk when it comes to promoting JEDI, we walk the walk.

We strive to foster a workplace culture that values and promotes justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI), as well as one that promotes equal employment opportunities and a work environment free of harassment and hostility. Our firm's dedicated JEDI Council focuses on coordinating and implementing initiatives regarding justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, in accordance with clearly defined goals and objectives.

Summary of Firm's JEDI Goals

We're committed to developing and implementing programs and initiatives to promote JEDI in all areas of employment. As part of this commitment, some of the programs and initiatives we have developed include:​

  • Diverse Employee Representation

    • Supporting JEDI in hiring and other employment opportunities, particularly for women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and any other underrepresented, undervalued, or marginalized persons.

  • Workplace Education & Training

    • Conducting training, boosting awareness, and providing other learning and development opportunities about:

      • Diversity awareness;

      • Workplace respectfulness and sensitivity;

      • Unconscious or implicit bias;

      • Microaggressions and other micro-messages; and

      • Social justice and civil rights issues, including but not limited to gender equality, LGBTQ rights, disability inclusion, anti-racism, and allyship.


  • External Professional Development & Networking​

    • Encouraging employees to:

      • Attend external professional development courses, seminars, and other events that address JEDI issues; and

      • Be involved with external JEDI organizations or professional associations, the costs of which may be covered or reimbursed by JD Howlette Law. ​


  • Workplace Policies​

    • Implementing and adhering to JEDI-related workplace policies, including:​

      • Offering flexible work arrangements to accommodate diverse personnel situations (e.g., childbirth or adoption);​

      • Evaluating employees' job performance on JEDI competencies, including respect and support for colleagues;

      • Enabling and encouraging employees to choose their preferred pronouns and respecting their choices;

      • Providing paid time-off for employees to attend civil rights protests, marches, or similar activities; and

      • Designating certain meaningful days as company holidays and encouraging employee reflection, introspection, or activism on those days.

We welcome suggestions from all employees, clients, and stakeholders on ways in which we can improve inclusivity within the firm and improve upon diversity-related concerns.

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